Halo sahabat GEG East Jakarta, apa kabar semuanya. Semoga sehat dan sukses selalu. Kegiatan kali ini, GEG East Jakarta mempunyai tema kegiatan yaitu: Admin Google Apps for Education dan Google Classroom. Kegiatan ini dikhususkan untuk guru atau operator yang siap menjadi admin GAfE di Sekolah atau Madrasah bapak dan ibu bekerja.
Sebelum bapak ibu mendaftar kegiatan ini, ada baiknya bapak dan ibu memahami apa itu Google Apps for Education (GAfE), penjelasan dapat di baca pada halaman website Google: https://support.google.com/a/answer/139019?hl=id tertarik belajar bersama GEG East Jakarta?
Kegiatan diadakan di
Tempat: MAN 7 Jakarta
Tanggal: 31 Agustus 2015
Gratis, Free E-Certificate, dan Buku + Pulpen GEG
Kegiatan diadakan di
Tempat: MAN 7 Jakarta
Tanggal: 31 Agustus 2015
Gratis, Free E-Certificate, dan Buku + Pulpen GEG
Materi yang akan dipelajari di Workshop Admin Google Apps for Education (GAfe):
Section 1
User creation, deletion, and administration
- Create new users manually, in bulk, and via invitation
- Demonstrate how to rename users, move users, add/remove nicknames, and suspend users
- Demonstrate how to delete users, retain data files for deleted users, and restore recently deleted users
- Use System Roles to delegate administration duties to users in a domain, including custom administration roles
- Demonstrate how to reset a user password, force the user to change their password, and monitor the strength of user passwords
Organizational units
- Demonstrate how to create and use organizational units to manage users, groups, and security settings
- Demonstrate how to manage Google Apps services by organizational unit
Google Apps services and organizational access
- Demonstrate how to configure sharing settings, storage requirements for Drive
- Demonstrate how to use Chrome policies for devices and users
- Demonstrate how to manage domain and organization level settings for Google Apps services
- Demonstrate how to use reports to determine services use, troubleshoot system issues, and to improve domain security
Mail delivery, routing, and filtering
- Demonstrate how to configure Google Apps to manage mail routing
- Demonstrate how to manage approved or reject sender lists and whitelist senders by domain and IP addresses
- Demonstrate how to apply security best practices to email including transmit mail via a secure connection based on system rules
- Demonstrate how to filter messages based on general compliance settings, content, and attachment settings
Calendar settings and resources
- Create and share a group calendar, set-up calendar sharing options, and delegate calendar access
- Demonstrate how to create and manage calendar resources
Mobile policies and device management
- Demonstrate how to use Google Apps Mobile Management to manage Android and Google Sync devices
- Demonstrate how to reset user access and prevent access from a lost mobile device
- Demonstrate how to use exception groups to manage security options by organizational unit
- Demonstrate how to configure SSO, OAuth, and 2-step verification
- Create a group that will be used as a shared mailbox for a group of users, Q & A Forums, and distribution lists
- Demonstrate how to add, edit, disable, and delete a group, and prevent users from seeing other members of the group, and administer group roles
- Demonstrate how to share docs, sites, and videos using groups
- Demonstrate how to use Groups for Business to manage permissions and group settings
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